Wednesday, September 29, 2010

QubLib Multithreading

This past week was a career fair at Brigham Young University, and so I went and decided to distribute a few resumes. There were the big companies like Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, and others like that, and so I took the chance to drop my name into all of their employment databases. On my resume I have a quick snippet about QubLib. It really isn't all that much, but it is a small bullet point that says that I'm developing a Cross-Platform C++ Library that supports common Data Structures, Networking, Shared Strings, and Multithreading. Multithreading, huh? After the career fair I went back and looked at how far I had gotten on Multithreading in the past month. Not too far. The Windows Thread class could start a thread, but waiting for finish/joining, suspending, and resuming were all features that were on the to do list. Fortunately for me, a week after noticing this I got sick (yesterday), and so what else was I supposed to do while I was sitting in bed all day? I worked on Cross-Platform multithreading. :) So, now QubLib fully supports an inheritable Thread class that can start and wait for finish, a Mutex class, and a Semaphore class. There was a particular joy that swept through me when I got the test cases to work on both Windows and Linux. Fun fun.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, I didn't know you got it to work!!

    And I love this:
    "There was a particular joy that swept through me when I got the test cases to work on both Windows and Linux."
    It reminds me of Dr. Frankenstein's reaction to "the monster" when he first discovered the secret of life. Mary Shelley describes it in that EXACT style. "...a particular joy swept through me..."
    Hmmmmm...I've just realized what a fitting comparison that is. No gallivanting off to the North Pole, now.
